dimarts, 15 de desembre del 2015

Basic web 3: Using the internet

What's internet? 
The internet is a global network of computers than enable people to send envelopes containing messages. 
How it works?
The packets of  internet data are tansmited through a variety of cables, routers and host computers on the way to their destination.
Origins net.
The first internet was ARPAnet, it was created by US Defence department's Advance Research Projects Agency in 1960s.

 How does the web work?
The web is a system for publishing pages of information on the internet, anyone can publish a page by uploading it to a web server, this makes it very easy for people to share and read documents.

The web is based on the idea of ’hypertext’, links were shown by using underlined blue text, and they changed colour after they’d been clicked. When the pointer turns into a small hand, there’s a clickable link.

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